CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Review

When you’re running a business, there are a lot of different documents, files, images, fonts, and more that you will need to create and manage. While you may be able to hire someone to do all of this work for you, most businesses find that having a high-quality graphics suite on hand to manage their workload is important.

Even if you are running a business on your own, you will want to be able to create documents, layouts, brochures, images, fonts, and more at your computer.

Does CorelDRAW make sense for the average user, or is it something that should be reserved for professional designers to use? Today, we’ll take a closer look and find out what this tool is really good for.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is a comprehensive set of programs and tools that allow you to design various types of images, documents, files, and more from the comfort of your own home rather than needing to use any specialized equipment.

Who Is This Product For?

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This program is perfect for anyone who has the drive or creativity to take on design projects and wants to have tools which can match their drive. Whether you are an artist, business owner, designer, or just curious soul, you’ll be able to use CorelDRAW to learn more about graphics as you make your own.

This product works well for users of all skill levels. While there is a bit of a learning curve as there is with all programs, the way that these programs work to make it possible for users of all skill levels to become comfortable and excel at making their projects succeed.

What’s Included?

The CorelDRAW Graphics Suite includes the following programs:

  • CorelDRAW
  • Corel Font Manager
  • Corel CONNECT
  • Corel CAPTURE
  • Corel AfterShot 3 HDR
  • the new

All of those tools handle different and specific aspects of the design work, so having them all together makes the perfect suite of graphics features.

Overview of Features

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Now that we’ve got the basic information out of the way, let’s move into the features offered in this unique set of programs. Since there are so many different programs in this suite, we aren’t going to be able to give you a ton of detail about any one specific program.

Instead, we’ll focus on letting you know the main tasks you can do with the suite. Then you can make a better choice about whether or not this program makes sense for you.

  • Vector Illustration

The programs included are great for doing vector illustration work. This type of work is essential for business logos, files, layouts, formats, and more when you’re working in design. Learning how to work with vectors is a great tool for all designers.

  • Page Layout and Photos

There are also programs for page layout work which you can use to make your own brochures and ads. In the Photo-Paint program, you can edit photos in a very enhanced and detailed way to ensure that you have the most beautiful photos. Additionally, there is a specific program tool for working with HDR photos so that you can get the most out of the photo.

  • Templates

The programs also allow you to create brochures, layouts, and more from the templates menu. This means you will have some templates at your disposal to use from day one, but you can also create your own templates that you will able to load and use time and time again when you have similar projects to complete.

  • File and Printing

File compatibility and printing management options are also huge parts of these programs.

It’s important that you can save files in the right way for them to be shared, and you also need to ensure that you can have your projects professionally printed without any loss of quality. The Suite has the programs you need to make sure both of these things can happen.

  • Others

Finally, let’s wrap up this section with a quick run-through of some of the other primary features you might want to use when working with the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite:

  • Text editing
  • Font manager
  • Tracing tools
  • Manage document and style consistency
  • Photo manipulation
  • Pixel-forward workflow
  • App for on-the-go editing and designing
  • … and much more!

How to Use Your Product

To fully understand everything that is offered in this suite of programs, check out this video that CorelDRAW released to introduce thesSuite:

As you can see, the capabilities of the programs are wide and varied. While this means you have a lot of potential projects that you can complete, it also means you have a lot that you might need to learn!

Thankfully, each program included in the suite has an array of tutorials and guides available online. For example, this introduction to Corel Font Manager can help you get started:

Depending on what tool you want to work with first, simply search for a video tutorial to help you grow.


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If you like what Corel has to offer in their programs but don’t need the specific lineup of programs, you may want to check out one of their other customized suites. Their Painter Essentials pack, for example, focuses on tools that artists would need.

If you only want to edit photos and do photo manipulation, you may want to only purchase the Photo + Paint Program instead of the entire suite of programs. While it’s possible that you will eventually find a use for all the programs, there’s no reason to buy what you don’t currently need!

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The CorelDRAW Graphics Suite is a very detailed design set of programs that can help anyone, from beginner to expert, do a better job at making their designs come to life. Due to the sheer volume of tools and programs included, it will take anyone who buys this suite a bit of time to learn how to use everything, but that’s part of the fun.

In time, you’ll be able to use these tools to help you master every single design that you want to create!

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